
Origins of Javascript and Why We Prefer “Let” Instead of “Var”

In the 1930s, Alonzo Church introduced Lambda calculus. It is a formal system for expressing mathematical logic and computations using functions. Long before computations were performed by machines, they were done by humans, and Lambda calculus helped formalize these processes in written form. Lambda calculus looks like this: λx.x*2 // function that takes input xx... » read more

“Because I care about you” : Eliza, The First Chat Bot

[...]Input : "And why do you ask that?"Response : "Because I care about you." These lines mark one of the earliest recorded human-machine interactions in history. The program responsible for this exchange was Eliza, developed in 1967 at MIT by Joseph Weizenbaum, as the pioneering chat bot aimed at simulating conversations with a human. Written... » read more