Time is infinite, but a computer’s memory isn’t

In low-level coding, we usually have to specify the length of a variable. We have many types, including int32 and int64, which represent numbers in binary, using 32 bits or 64 bits, respectively. The int32, of number 4 for example, looks like this: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 That’s it – 32 zeros or ones to... » read more

Plan 9: The Utopian OS and Lessons in Inflexible Architecture

Writing code is a creative process that involves using brackets and other symbols to encapsulate logical instructions, creating a framework that helps prevent errors. It’s like placing your thoughts inside brackets, and to excel, precision is key. Software architecture, a broader concept than just writing code, encompasses the art of not only crafting individual pieces... » read more